Dear Reader,

In times of immense loss, words often fail to capture the magnitude of emotions crashing like relentless waves upon the shores of our hearts. If you’re here, seeking solace and guidance in the wake of a profound loss, know that you are not alone and that you are very welcome here.

It’s with a heavy heart that we create this new section on our portal and that we share some insights on this topic. Recently, we had to face, once again, a profound loss. This event replunged us into the depths of grief, a journey we thought we had learned to navigate.

But grief, we’ve come to understand, is a teacher that revisits us in different forms. Our latest encounter with loss has been the impulse for adding this new section. We hope that in sharing our journey and the resources we’ve found helpful, we can offer a space for understanding, comfort, and shared healing.

Person grieving, full moon, candles around

Loss, in its sheer enormity, can leave us feeling shattered, as if the world around us has suddenly grown dimmer. It’s an experience that defies preparation, rendering even the most resilient souls momentarily defenseless.

We understand. Sometimes, even the wisdom gained from past losses seems futile when facing a new one. It’s crucial to acknowledge that grief is a testament to the love we held for the person we’ve lost. The depth of our sorrow often mirrors the depth of our affection—a tribute to the love that bound us.

In these initial days, the very essence of existence might feel like an insurmountable challenge. Mundane tasks turn arduous, and the ache within seems to eclipse the world’s colors. Each passing moment might feel like an eternity as you grapple with a torrent of emotions, from disbelief to anger, from profound sadness to a numbing void.

In the midst of this, you may encounter people who, despite their best intentions, struggle to find the right words to express their sympathy. Some may offer clichés or comforting platitudes that don’t resonate with your experience. Remember, their words, sometimes awkward or misplaced, are born from a desire to ease your pain, even when they fall short. It’s a delicate dance of human connection, where emotions can be hard to translate into words. In these moments, try to find solace in their intent rather than the precision of their language.

Amid this tempest, know that it’s okay not to be okay. There’s no blueprint for grief; no two journeys are identical. Your feelings are valid, your sorrow genuine. It’s crucial to grant yourself permission to navigate this labyrinth of emotions at your own pace. In this journey, you might find solace and understanding in resources that echo your experience.

A book that we have found very helpful is “It’s OK That You’re Not OK: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand” by Megan Devine. This insightful read offers a compassionate perspective on grief and loss, challenging the conventional wisdom of our culture that often fails to understand grief. Devine’s work can be a comforting companion as you walk this path, offering validation and support when the world around seems to misunderstand the depths of your grief. Find it on Amazon.

In these daunting first days, embrace self-compassion. Allow yourself the space to mourn, to feel, and to find solace in the love that resides within the memories. Reach out for support, be it from family, friends, or professionals.

Remember, healing isn’t a linear path. It’s a mosaic of small steps.

Take your time, dear reader.

With heartfelt empathy,
Moon Mind More

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