As the night sky darkens and the moon hides its face, we welcome the new moon—a phase of potential and promise. This celestial clean slate has been revered through the ages as a time to set intentions and sow the seeds of future endeavors.

But why is the new moon considered such a powerful time for this, and how can we harness its energy to manifest our desires? Might this be the best time to set new intentions?

In this exploration, we delve into the tradition of setting intentions with the new moon and how to align our aspirations with the lunar rhythm.

Is the New Moon good for setting intentions?

The new moon is often seen as an opportune time for setting intentions. In many cultures, it symbolizes new beginnings and is thought to be a fertile ground for planting the seeds of our goals. The darkness of the new moon represents a void, an unblemished start, inviting us to envision and articulate our hopes and dreams.

What time should I set my intentions for the New Moon?

The best time to set your intentions is as close to the new moon as possible. Some believe that the window for setting intentions is within the first 48 hours of the new moon when the energy is strongest. This period is seen as a time of high receptivity and potential for your thoughts and intentions to take root.

What moon phase is best for setting intentions?

While each phase of the moon carries its own significance, the new moon is traditionally viewed as the most potent time for setting intentions. It’s a period of stillness and reflection, where the absence of the moon’s light invites introspection and the setting of clear, focused intentions.

Do you set intentions on a full moon or New Moon?

Intentions are typically set during the new moon, while the full moon is often associated with release and culmination. The full moon is a time to let go of what no longer serves us, making space for the new intentions that were set during the new moon to flourish.

Harnessing the New Moon’s Energy for Intention-Setting

To align with the new moon’s energy, find a quiet space where you can be reflective and undisturbed. You may choose to write down your intentions, meditate on them, or create a vision board. The key is to be clear and specific about what you wish to bring into your life. Visualize your intentions with as much detail and emotion as possible, as if they are already unfolding.

Creating a Ritual for New Moon Intention-Setting

A ritual can be a powerful way to mark the act of setting intentions. This might include lighting a candle, using crystals and gemstones associated with new beginnings (like clear quartz or moonstone), or smudging your space with sage to clear the energy.
As you perform your ritual, stay present and focused on your intentions, allowing yourself to feel the excitement and possibility they bring.


The new moon’s embrace is one of mystery and potential. It invites us to pause, reflect, and direct our energies toward the future we wish to create.
Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to the concept of lunar intention-setting, the new moon offers a unique opportunity to align with the rhythms of the cosmos. So, as the next new moon approaches, prepare to set your intentions and embark on a journey of transformation.

Remember, the power of the new moon is not just in the ritual, but in the sustained action and belief that follows. What intentions will you set under the next new moon? Let the stars be your guide as you write the next chapter of your story.

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